Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holding Quinn

I love this little boy but if he's not being held he acts like
he's dieing. Someone save me I can't get anything done.
I have another child to attend to, doesn't he know this.

Good work Trevyn!! Way to help out!!


The snow is here and Lilly is loving it!!

If you ever have trouble with your child drinking water
just make it fun. I put water in this little spray bottle and
it worked great!!

The one problem about that idea was she kept using it in her

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Random iPhone pics

I laugh every time I see this picture, where
is his neck. lol!

It is so funny how when I tell Trevyn to
start Lillian's bath and she is requesting
bubbles that he can't put a little bit in it has
to be the whole bottle! It looks like fun but
when its time to wash and get out we cant
get all the bubbles off of her. "Someone" didn't
think that all the way through. haha!!

I just love this picture because it shows how
much Lillian loves her little brother. What
is so cute is that she is trying to have him
watch a movie with her. I know Lilly has no
clothes on and let me tell you why. She likes to
take them off, that simple. I put them back on
her 3 different times that day, then I just gave
up. Fun stuff!!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Lilly was so excited to dress in her costume
she had to see what she looked like in the mirror,
what a girl!! Yes, my sister and I bought the same
chicken outfit for our girls. We do that a lot!
People ask if there sisters when were in public
because there clothes match sometimes too.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Big Sister

This picture is a little dark cause it was first thing
in the morning and there was no light on. I put the
kids in the bed next to Trevyn so he would wake up.
It turned out to be a cute picture!

Lilly is telling Quinn to be quite. He hardly was making
a peep. She likes to be in control.

Lilly loves to hold Quinn all the time! She
thinks he's her baby. She is very helpful which
makes me glad they are 2yrs and 8months apart.
If she was any younger when I had him I don't
think I would be having such great help.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blessing Day

Trevyn's side of the family missing two brothers and
one sister.

My side of the family missing two brothers, a sister
in-law and one nephew.

This is a 4 generation picture! Trevyn's Grandpa Meyer
on the right his dad Phil Meyer on the left and Trevyn
in the middle holding Quinn.

Monday, September 28, 2009

6 weeks old

Its amazing how quickly they grow. At the
rate Quinn is growing he could be playing football
before he even is walking. Ha ha!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Bath

As most of us know, first time bath is not so pleasant.
It's been a few weeks since then and he is already enjoying

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Seriously people we have been trying to
potty train Lilly for like 6 months now.
We were hoping she would be by the time
Quinn was born. Well that wasn't the case
but finally on Wed the 19 Lillian went pee
TWICE in her potty before bed time!!!
There was a little set back on Thurs and
Fri but she's back and went pee in her potty
again today Sat the 22nd. I'm so excited that
we have made progress I can't stand it!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Baby boy!!

Our baby boy Quinn looks like his big sister Lilly
when she was born! He is 7lbs 13oz and 19 ins long.
He was born Aug. 14th at 12:43pm.

Trevyn loves to snuggle! He has already planned
out Quinns future.

Lilly and her "cheese" smile! She is so
excited to have a real baby to play with
instead of her dolls!

Friday, July 31, 2009


I'm a little over 37 weeks and hoping
to go early like I did with Lilly. I guess
we will see. This is the last time I'm taking
a prego picture. I can't believe how big
I am. I can tell I'm a little bit bigger then
I was with Lilly, maybe because I'm having
a boy this time or at least I'm telling myself

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Great Grandpa Pedersen

We finally took the time to see Trevyn's Grandpa,
Lilly's Great Grandpa Pedersen. It had been a while
so we were happy to see him. He had been under the
weather a little bit so were glad he's doing better.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Trevyn and Lilly singing

33 weeks prego

I am getting huge. I have 7 weeks left and
cant wait. I think my Dr. is the only one who
does not like to induce a week early. I know
three pregnant women right now who get to go
a week early. I guess I will have to be patient.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


We took Lilly to the Lehi Rodeo and
she was such a good girl. She asked us,
where is my horse? We said, ask Grandpa
Doty to get you one. LOL!!

She loves animals so the rodeo was a
good idea. She cheered with the crowd
and danced every time music came on.
We had so much fun!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Trip to Oregon

Grandpa Doty bought Lilly salt water taffy at the beach.

Grandma Doty showing Lilly how to pedal. Lilly found
grandpas helmet hanging on his bike and wouldn't take
it off even when she was inside the house.

Playing in the sand was so much fun! She had a blast
getting dirty.

Trevyn buried Lilly and she loved it so much she
wanted him to keep do it.

We taught Lilly how to jump when the waves came.
She had so much fun playing in the water!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

24 weeks

I'm trying to take more pregnant pics for
Quinn's scrapbook. Plus putting them on
my blog lets my parents see how big I'm
getting since they live in Oregon. It's super
fun getting big!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Look what mom made

My little dancer! She loves her new tutu!

I am trying to be more crafty so I thought that
making a tutu for her dance class would be easy
and fun to make. It was, so now I want to make
one in every color!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Lillian all dressed up at church!

She loves her basket! It's like a new purse!

The peeps were a hit! What child wouldn't like candy
for breakfast.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I had an ultrasound today with Trevyn and Lilly. Lillian kept holding my hand and kissing it because she wanted to make sure I was ok. It was so cute! Then she said my turn! LOL! Everything looked healthy on our baby boy. Im excited and can't wait to get started on buying boy stuff now. It will be weird from looking at pink and purple to blue, what fun this will be! My due date is still the same, Aug 20th.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lillian singing to the movie Annie

So Lilly has been learning how to sing a little and one of her
favorite songs to sing is from the movie Annie. You might
want to turn up the volume because she not very loud.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dance class

Lillian is in a combination dance class that
does a little bit of everything. She is having
so much fun! What is so funny about her class
is that all the girls are her age and so the moms
have them all dressed up and we all stand
outside the class and watch through a 2 way
mirror. I think it's more fun for all the moms then it
is for the girls. Ha ha!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The big bed

The last 2 weeks I have been feeling a lot better. Now I can start the few goals regarding Lilly that I wanted to accomplish before the next baby arrives. The first is Lillian sleeping in a big bed. She has been doing really well so far. The only problem we have had is that she wants one of us to sleep next to her. Whats really funny is after the first night she woke up the next morning got out of bed and said, Hannah help! She couldn't open the door. Oh and she calls me Hannah now instead of mom. We are working on that one with her. It's really not that funny anymore. Whats really great is that was the only time she has gotten out of bed in the morning. She just sits in her bed and yells for us. What a good little girl! Except I have a feeling that wont last long.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lillian's Second Birthday Party

Since her birthday is a few days after Christmas
she was an expert at opening gifts.

Lillian eating cake and a popsicle! Yum sugar!!!

Grandma Meyer and Lillian having fun on her birthday!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Baby #2 is on it's way! I am 9 weeks along and due on the 19th of August. I have been really sick like the first pregnancy, and loving every minute of it. We are so excited for the next addition to our family.